HC Deb 23 November 1937 vol 329 c1035
52. Mr. Ammon

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the number of Civil Service pensioners who retired between February, 1922, and 1934 who suffered deductions of 25 per cent. in their lump-sum awards on retirement?

Lieut.-Colonel Colville

The hon. Member has presumably in mind the arrangements whereby for the purpose of calculating lump-sum retiring awards the cost of living bonus reckoned as to only 75 per cent. of the amount received on retirement. The effect of this arrangement depended in each case on the ratio which the bonus bore to the total emoluments, and was very much less than the 25 per cent. suggested in the question. The total number of Civil Service pensioners who, on retirement, were subject to this arrangement is estimated to be approximately 35,000. The arrangement applied also to cases where the award on retirement did not include a pension. The aggregate number of cases affected is, therefore, considerably larger. I regret that precise figures are not available.

Mr. Ammon

Would the Minister receive a small deputation representing the parties concerned in order that they may put their case to him?

Lieut.-Colonel Colville

I could not hold out any hope of the decision being reversed, but if the hon. Member himself cares to come to see me and bring someone with him, I shall try to arrange a meeting.