HC Deb 23 November 1937 vol 329 cc1010-1
14. Mr. Anstruther-Gray

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is in a position to state what progress has been made for the formation of a Scottish Housing Association for the Special Areas, under the chairmanship of Sir David Allan Hay; and whether any building schemes have yet been approved, or are in immediate contemplation, under the auspices of this association; and, if so, where and how many houses are to be built?

Mr. Elliot

The association were registered under the Companies Act on 8th November. They are to inspect certain sites on 25th November and hope to decide shortly afterwards where they will commence building operations.

18 and 19. Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) whether he proposes to take any action on the lines of a resolution passed at a meeting of representatives of local authorities in Scotland, asking that the present diversion of materials and labour required for house-building to luxury-building should receive early Parliamentary attention and control;

(2) whether he has considered the resolutions passed at a conference of local authorities in Scotland regarding the need of increasing the subsidy available under the Housing Acts, 1930 and 1935, and of instituting control of house-building materials in order that the rising costs of materials may not interfere with the provision of houses at reasonable rents, urgently needed in all parts of Scotland?

Mr. Elliot

I would refer the right hon. Gentleman to the answer given on this subject to the hon. Member for Linlithgow (Mr. Mathers) on 2nd November.

Mr. Westwood

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is an ever decreasing percentage of houses being built under the 1930 Act, with the result that the housing funds of the local authorities are getting into a very serious position, and will he now consider the financial situation as it affects those local authorities?

Mr. Elliot

I have been looking up the number of houses only this morning, and it has risen enormously over what it was last year.

Mr. Westwood

Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that he is not answering my supplementary question? There is a decreasing percentage of houses being built under the 1930 Act, which carry with them a far better grant than the houses built under the 1935 Act.

Mr. Elliot

That hardly arises out of the question on the Order Paper.