HC Deb 16 November 1937 vol 329 cc182-3
12. Mr. Leonard

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, in the appointment of the committee in 1935 that has now the duty of inquiring into the recruitment for and conditions obtaining in the nursing profession, inquiries through the usual channels took place as to the composition of the committee before appointment; and whether he will consider the advisability of adding to its numbers by the appointment of a representative nurse below the status of matron?

Mr. Elliot

Inquiries through the usual channels were made when the committee was originally appointed in 1934. In asking the committee to undertake a further investigation I felt it desirable to make the least possible change in its membership.

Mr. Leonard

Without casting any aspersions on the two ladies who are on the committee, does not the right hon. Gentleman think that it would be desirable to introduce on to the committee someone under the status of a matron, in order to consider the details of nursing and the causes which are preventing persons coming forward to join that profession?

Mr. Elliot

The committee which was originally appointed went very thoroughly into this question, and I thought it would not be desirable to add members who were unacquainted with the previous discussions, in view of the delay that would cause in the committee reaching conclusions.

Mr. Leonard

Is not this an entirely different matter? It is a matter of recruitment and conditions and what it is that is preventing recruits coming forward. Is there anyone more competent to consider the conditions which are preventing recruits coming forward than one who is working under the conditions which prevail at present?

Mr. Garro Jones

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Royal College of Nursing, which is, I think, one of the usual channels referred to, take the view that there ought to be no interference by the legislature with conditions as between nurses and hospitals, and that conditions which were good enough for the old brigade should be good enough for younger nurses?