HC Deb 16 November 1937 vol 329 cc208-10
38. Major-General Sir Alfred Knox

asked the President of the Board of Trade, what number of foreign ships were transferred to the British flag, respectively, in the first nine months of 1936 and of the present year?

Mr. Stanley

During the period 1st January to 30th September, 1936, 137 ships were transferred from foreign countries and permanently registered as British ships, the corresponding figure for 1937 being 200. On 30th September, 1936, there were 20 provisional certificates of British registry in force, while 51 such certificates were in force on the corresponding date in 1937.

Sir A. Knox

Is not the large increase in the number of ships registered this year owing to the desire of the owners to obtain the protection of the British Navy while engaged in running cargoes into that part of Spain still under the control of the republican Government, and is not that whole process in spirit a breach of neutrality?

Mr. Stanley

My hon. and gallant Friend had better await the answer to a question on this specific point which I am going to give later.

44. Captain A. Evans

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many ships were refused provisional registration under the British flag during the nine months ended 30th September, 1937; and whether any such refusals were because such registration was sought only as a temporary expedient?

Mr. Stanley

Since the issue of instructions at the end of August last regarding the special scrutiny of applications for provisional certificates of registry, four applications have been refused, in each case on the ground that the applicants were not qualified to own British ships. Prior to that date, certificates of provisional registry were usually issued by Consuls without reference to the Board of Trade, and it is not possible to say how many applications were not proceeded with because of the inability of the applicants to satisfy the Consul as to their title to own British ships.

Captain Evans

Do I understand that the four refusals referred to by my right hon. Friend relate only to one month?

Mr. Stanley

To a period since about the end of August.

Mr. Thurtle

Can the Minister say that the Government are doing everything they can to hamper the efforts of the Spanish Government to get supplies?

Mr. Stanley

Our desire is not to give the protection and advantages of the British flag to people who are not really entitled to them.

Miss Wilkinson

Can the Minister say whether, in view of the recent action of the Admiralty in not protecting British shipping, there is any particular advantage?

Mr. Stanley

From the number of applications received from foreigners there would appear to be some.

Viscountess Astor

What about all the children the British sailors saved?

56. Captain Evans

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is satisfied that, in the case of the 209 foreign ships transferred to the British flag and permanently registered as British ships during the nine months ended 30th September, 1937, no such registration was sought only as a temporary expedient; and can he state from what different foreign countries such foreign ships were transferred and the number from each country?

Mr. Stanley

With my hon. and gallant Friend's permission, I will circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT giving the number of ships transferred to the British register from various foreign countries during the period 1st January to 30th September last. Of the 200 ships transferred, 113 ships were small vessels under 200 tons gross, such as barges, tugs, yachts, 51 being under 50 tons gross, while of the remainder 28 were ships built abroad for British owners. The statutory provisions do not require reasons for transfer to be given. All except five of the ships still remain on the British register.

Following is the Statement:

TABLE showing the number of ships transferred from foreign countries and permanently registered as British ships during the period 1st January to 30th September, 1937.
Argentina 1
Austria 4
Belgium 5
Borneo 1
China 13
Denmark 7
Estonia 1
France 21
Germany 10
Greece 8
Holland 72
Hungary 3
Italy 1
Japan 1
Latvia 1
Luxemburg 1
Norway 6
Panama 2
Sarawak 1
Spain 6
Sweden 4
United States of America 29
Yugo Slavia 2
Total 200