§ 28. Mr. R. C. Morrisonasked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the continued increases in the price of boots and shoes, in part due to the import duty on dressed leather; and what action he proposes to take, in view of the hardship caused to persons with low incomes by such increased prices?
Mr. StanleyI know that boot and shoe prices have risen within the last 18 months. I understand that this increase follows increases in wage costs and the world prices of raw materials, and is not due to any material extent to the import duty on foreign dressed leather. Any question of revising that duty is for the Import Duties Advisory Committee in the first place.
§ Mr. E. J. WilliamsCould the right hon. Gentleman confer on this matter with the Minister of Labour, in order that we may have the benefit of his knowledge of the matter?