HC Deb 11 November 1937 vol 328 c1843
Mr. Attlee

(by Private Notice) asked the Home Secretary whether he had any statement to make about the incident which occurred this morning at the Armistice Day celebration in Whitehall?

Sir S. Hoare

The man whose cries interrupted the Two Minutes' Silence at the Cenotaph this morning is a man named Stanley Storey, aged 43, who was responsible for a disturbance in the Gallery of this House on 27th January and was in Cane Hill Asylum from 4th February to 21st September, on which date he escaped and has since been at large. He fell forward through the ranks of the police, who thought he was fainting, then got up and dived between the Naval Contingent shouting some such words as "No more war: end this hypocrisy." He was immediately removed to a room in the Colonial Office, and Special Branch officers were sent for who identified him at once from his appearance. He said to them that he had thought of making this demonstration three days ago, but had no intention of making an attack upon the King or upon anyone else. No weapons of any kind were found upon him. The man was obviously suffering from delusions. He is at present in Fulham Infirmary under observation. No question of criminal proceedings is under consideration. The only question is whether application should be made to the magistrates for his re-certification as a lunatic. This must depend on the result of observation.

Mr. Davidson

Has the right hon. Gentleman seen a report in to-day's "Star" which states that the crowd surrounding this man cried, "Kill him, kill him," and will he not deprecate such outbursts?