HC Deb 09 November 1937 vol 328 c1605

Colonel Gretton further reported from the Committee; That they had appointed the following Members to serve on Standing Committee B: Mr. Acland, Sir Robert Aske, Sir Brograve Beauchamp, Captain Sir William Brass, Mr. Charles Brown, Mr. Bull, Mr. Butcher, Mr. Cary, Lord Castlereagh, Mr. De Chair, Mr. Daggar, Mr. Dunn, Captain Eckersley, Mr. Gardner, Mr. George Griffiths, Mr. George Hall, Mr. Jagger, Mr. Kimball, Mr. Leslie, Mr. LovatFraser, Captain Peter Macdonald, Captain MacNamara, Mr. Mainwaring, Commander Marsden, Colonel Mason, Mr. Maxwell, Lieut.-Colonel Mayhew, Major Mills, Captain Peake, Colonel Ponsonby, Sir Robert Rankin, Miss Rathbone, Colonel Ropner, Mr. Sandys, Sir Walter Smiles, Captain Strickland, Mr. Touche, Mr. Charles Williams, Lord Willoughby de Eresby, and Mr. Windsor.