HC Deb 04 November 1937 vol 328 cc1103-4
40. Mr. Wilson

asked the Home Secretary whether he can state, concerning the planking referred to on page 28 of Air Raid Precautions Handbook No. 1, what thickness is required to afford protection against splinters of bombs up to 500 pounds which explode not less than 50 feet away?

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd)

The planking referred to was recommended as an additional protection to the glass of the window against the blast effects of a high explosive bomb, and it is not suggested that it would keep out splinters from a bomb bursting near at hand. I may mention that in the new edition of the Handbook now in preparation, this recommendation will be revised in the light of more recent information on blast effects.

64. Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

asked the Home Secretary whether he proposes to promote legislation to ensure that all buildings in course of construction or projected must embody bomb-proof and fireproof protection as a protection against air raids?

Mr. Lloyd

The question of structural precautions in buildings is under close examination by an expert committee, and until their report has been received I cannot make any statement on the point raised by the hon. and gallant Member.

Sir Percy Harris

How long will it take the Government to be in a position to give directions to the country on this important point?

Mr. Lloyd

Further practical experiments are being carried out.