HC Deb 27 May 1937 vol 324 c441
73. Mr. Lees-Smith

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the committee on the supply of officers for the Army has yet been set up; and, if so, whether he is in a position to give the names of the committee and the terms of reference?

Mr. Cooper

Yes, Sir, the composition of the committee is now complete. I am happy to state that Lord Willingdon has consented to act as Chairman. The members of the committee are Mr. Will Spens, Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; Mr. S. R. K. Gurner, Headmaster of Whitgift School, Croydon; Lieut.-General Sir Charles Deedes, Military Secretary, War Office; Major-General E. K. Squires, Director of Staff Duties, War Office; and Mr. T. J. Cash, a Director of Finance, War Office. The terms of reference are: To inquire into the causes of the present shortage of officers in the Army and to recommend measures to remedy it, and also to consider whether the present system of promotion from the ranks is working satisfactorily and whether it can be extended. The committee is starting its deliberations immediately.

Mr. Ammon

Would not the committee be strengthened by the addition of a headmaster from one of the secondary schools under public authorities?

Mr. Cooper

The headmaster of Whitgift School has had previous experience as a headmaster of a secondary school. He was selected primarily owing to his knowledge of secondary schools.