HC Deb 06 May 1937 vol 323 cc1216-9
1. Mr. E. J. Williams

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons in receipt of unemployment benefit and unemployment assistance allowance, respectively, for each division in Great Britain?

Table showing the numbers of payments of unemployment benefit and unemployment assistance allowances made during the week ended 17th April, 1937, at Employment Exchanges in each administrative division.
Division. Number of payments of unemployment benefit. Numbers of payments of unemployment assistance allowances (excluding Supplementation Allowances).*
Under the General Scheme. Under the Agricultural Scheme.
London 97,656 270 33,934
South Eastern 40,925 3,547 15,667
South Western 46,037 815 20,324
Midlands 73,092 1,051 50,323
North Eastern 75,306 1,426 61,33l
North Western 121,786 527 132,168
Northern 44,350 490 96,235
Scotland 84,892 1,144 128,848
Wales 46,180 496 90,954
Great Britain 630,224 9,766 629,784
These figures exclude payments made through associations and payments under the Special Schemes for the Banking and Insurance Industries, for which geographical analyses are not available.
* Supplementation allowances (i.e., allowances to persons in receipt of unemployment benefit) were paid in 2,338 cases.
9. Mr. Graham White

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons in receipt of statutory benefit who are now receiving supplementary allowances from the Unemployment Assistance Board?

Mr. Brown

In the week ended 17th April, 1937, supplementary allowances from the Unemployment Assistance Board were paid to 2,338 persons who were in receipt of unemployment insurance benefit, including persons in receipt of agricultural benefit.

10. Mr. White

asked the Minister of Labour to what extent the Unemployment Assistance Board are paying allowances during the waiting period to persons entitled to statutory benefit?

Mr. Brown

I am informed by the Unemployment Assistance Board that, during the week ended 30th April, unemployment allowances were authorised before their unemployment benefit pay day to 871 persons in whose cases no concurrent allowances in supplementation of benefit were subsequently necessary.

18 and 19. Mr. Lunn

asked the Minister of Labour (1) the total number of cases disqualified for misconduct and voluntary

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Ernest Brown)

As the reply includes a Table of figures I will, if I may, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

resignation by the Unemployment Insurance Board between 1st January and 31st March, 1937, and the periods of disqualification in each case; and the number of cases which were disqualified from the date of loss of employment;

(2) the total number of claimants between 1st January and 31st March, 1937, to whom the board sent Form I. B. 5 (46); what is the number of claimants who, in the same period of disqualification, did not take any steps to claim benefit after receiving Form I. B. 5 (46); whether or not he approves of Form I. B. 5 (46); and whether a similar form is used by the Ministry in claims arising under the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1935?

Mr. Brown

I am in communication with the Insurance Unemployment Board as to whether the statistical information desired is available. Subject to the right of appeal to the Umpire in any contested claim for benefit the use of the form referred to is an administrative matter within the discretion of the board. The answer to the last part of the second question is in the negative.

Mr. Lunn

Will the right hon. Gentleman inquire further into the procedure before the court of referees, to whether it cannot be made more fair less partial?

Mr. Brown

The hon. Member will understand that this is a statutory scheme and the board is in charge of it. Perhaps we can examine together the information when it comes.