HC Deb 06 May 1937 vol 323 c1245
75. Mr. H. G. Williams

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether His Majesty's Government regard themselves free, despite the terms of Article 10 of the trade agreement with Germany, to impose quantitative restrictions on goods imported from Germany?

Dr. Burgin

His Majesty's Government are free to impose restrictions on the importation of goods the produce or manufacture of Germany in the cases specified in Article 10 of the Anglo-German Treaty of Commerce of 1924.

Mr. Williams

May I take the answer as meaning that the interpretation which I placed on the Treaty in the course of the Debate on the Livestock Industry Bill the other evening was substantially accurate?

Dr. Burgin

That is hardly a question to which an answer can be given at question time. The hon. Member would be going too far to suggest that the interpretation he gave was full or accurate. I might add that no meat is imported from Germany or from any other European country, and no livestock from any foreign country.

Mr. Williams

I am sorry to press my hon. Friend, but, having regard to the fact that he stated that my interpretation was entirely new and completely misleading, may I ask whether he still adheres to that description?

Dr. Burgin

Yes, Sir.