HC Deb 05 May 1937 vol 323 cc1147-8
37. Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the Federated Malay States Government have laid down that when clerks who have lost their employment through retrenchment are taken back into the service they shall receive the same salary as before, and that the period during which they have been without employment shall be regarded as no pay leave and taken into consideration for the purpose of pension; and whether he will intervene to prevent this provision being ignored in the railway department, where clerks are obliged to re-enter employment at a salary of 26 dollars a month in the lower division of the railway clerical service under the railway clerical scheme, which came into force after they had lost their former employment and of the conditions of which they are compelled to sign an agreement not to complain during their renewed service?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

I have at present no information enabling me to check the statements made in the hon. Member's question, but I will ask the High Commissioner for a report on the terms applicable to the re-employment of this class of personnel in the Federated Malay States railways, and will communicate with the hon. Member when I have received it.

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