HC Deb 24 March 1937 vol 321 cc2890-2
56. Mr. Lyons

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what arrangements have been made by Imperial Airways for an airport at Lullingstone, Kent?

Sir P. Sassoon

I understand that while nothing in the nature of a definite arrangement has been made, Imperial Airways contemplate the possibility of operating their European services from Lullingstone, Kent, if an airport is established there by the Southern Railway.

58. Mr. Everard

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what steps are being taken to carry out the recommendation of the Maybury Committee that a civil aerodrome shall be established on the north of the London area?

Sir P. Sassoon

The Maybury Committee made no recommendation for the establishment of a State aerodrome in the north of London, nor has any such decision been taken. I hope that this is a matter in which the local authorities will concern themselves in accordance with paragraph 146 of the Maybury Report, and I need hardly say that the Air Ministry will be glad to furnish all possible advice.

Mr. Everard

Does not the right hon. Baronet think it very necessary that we should have a public airport in North London in view of the experimental service suggested by the Maybury Committee for the North of England?

Sir P. Sassoon

Yes, I think it is very important, and I hope that the local authorities concerned will think so, too.

Mr. Lyons

Has any decision yet been arrived at with reference to a central airport?

Sir P. Sassoon

The question deals with North London.

61. Mr. Kelly

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air whether negotiations have been completed for the acquisition by the Slough Council for 190 acres of the Parlaunt Farm, Langley, for the purposes of an aerodrome; and what has been the price agreed upon or paid for this land?

Sir P. Sassoon

As regards the first part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave last week to the hon. Member for Spring-burn (Mr. Hardie), and to which there is at present nothing to add. As regards the second part, if the compulsory purchase order is confirmed, the price, if not then agreed, will fall to be fixed by arbitration after that event.

62. Mr. Kelly

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what steps the Blackpool Corporation has taken to acquire land in or near the Clifton estate at Lytham for the purposes of its airport; what is the area of such land; and what price has been agreed upon or has been paid for it?

Sir P. Sassoon

The only information I am able to give on this matter is that, at the request of the Blackpool Corporation, the Air Ministry have inspected an area of about 350 acres at Lytham and have made a technical report to the corporation regarding its possible development as an aerodrome.

Mr. Kelly

Is there anything stated in that report with regard to the price?

Sir P. Sassoon

No, Sir.

63. Mr. Kelly

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what has been the result of the hearing begun at York on 9th February in connection with the claim for £43,626 by University College, Oxford, owners of the Linton-on-Ouse estate, portions of which the Air Ministry have compulsorily acquired for the new aerodrome being constructed as part of the scheme of air defence for the North; what is the area of land being acquired from University College; and what price is being paid for the 409 acres already taken by the Ministry from four different holdings?

Sir P. Sassoon

As regards the first part of the question, the award of the arbitrator has not yet been received, and as regards the second part the area being acquired is approximately 417 acres. As regards the last part, there must, I think, be some misunderstanding; one of the notices to treat was in respect of 409 acres, but that area is included in the 417 acres for which the price is being settled by arbitration.