HC Deb 23 March 1937 vol 321 cc2721-2
1. Mr. Hollins

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he can make any statement on the line of development which it is proposed to follow in Newfoundland in order to provide employment for the destitute population?

The Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs (Mr. Malcolm' MacDonald)

I cannot add anything at present to the reply which I gave to questions by various hon. Members on 16th March. As I stated at the end of that reply, a long-term programme for economic reconstruction in Newfoundland, based on the experience of the last three years, has recently been prepared by the Commission of Government and is now under active consideration.

Mr. Ellis Smith

When the report is issued, will the right hon. Gentleman make arrangements for this House to have an opportunity of debating it?

Mr. MacDonald

I have not reached any decision that the report should be issued, but certainly, in due course, the substance of the proposals will be made plain to the House.

Mr. Hollins

When does the right hon. Gentleman propose to take action in the matter?

Mr. MacDonald

As soon as possible after I have had a reasonable time to consider it carefully.

Mr. Watkins

Can the Minister state the percentage of the whole population of Newfoundland who are now destitute?

Mr. MacDonald

I must have notice of that question.