HC Deb 18 March 1937 vol 321 c2244
32. Mr. Short

asked the Home Secretary the number of approved schools, the number of children and young persons provided for, the number of teachers, and the total expenditure for the year 1930 and for each successive year to date?

Sir J. Simon

As the answer contains a number of figures, I propose, with the Hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Return showing the number of Approved Schools, the number of children and young persons in the Schools under Order of Court at 3oth September of each year, and the net cost as met from Exchequer grants.

Year. Number of Schools at 30th September. Number of Children and young persons in the Schools under Order of Court at 30th September. Net Exchequer Grants. (a)
1930–1 85 6,119 209,286
1931–2 84 6,228 202,950
1932–3 81 6,360 194,506
1933–4 81 6,483 197,230
1934–5 85 6,816 214,497
1935–6 87 7,280 256,796

(a) The cost of maintaining children and young persons sent to Approved Schools is shared equally between the Exchequer and the Local Authorities, and during the above mentioned periods Local Authorities have borne approximately the same expenditure.

I regret that I am unable to give particulars regarding the number of teachers employed in the schools during these years.

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