HC Deb 17 March 1937 vol 321 c2068
71. Mr. Ridley

asked the Minister of Transport whether any proposals for co-ordinating the main transport services of the country are being considered by the Government; and when legislation for this purpose is likely to be submitted to the House?

The Minister of Transport (Mr. Hore-Belisha)

No, Sir, but by the Transport Advisory Council.

Mr. Ridley

Has the attention of the Minister been drawn to a statement made recently at the annual meeting of the London Midland and Scottish Railway by its President, and has that statement the approval of the right hon. Gentleman?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I have seen certain accounts of certain speeches, but if the hon. Member wishes to direct my attention to certain passages I would not like to say until I see them whether I agree or disagree with them.