HC Deb 16 March 1937 vol 321 c1843
37. Colonel Ropner

asked the Secretary for Mines the average weekly earnings of workmen employed in coal mines in Yorkshire; the output per shift; and the numbers employed, for 1935 and 1936?

The Secretary for Mines (Captain Crookshank)

As the reply involves a table of figures, I will, with the hon.

1935. 1936.
1. Average Weekly Cash Earnings of all Wage-earners employed. £2 5s. 4d. £2 11s. 11d.
2. Output of Saleable Coal per manshift worked 26.53 cwts. 26.58 cwts.
3. Average number of Wage-earners on Colliery Books. 137,400 137,400

NOTE.—The particulars of cash earnings shown above do not include the value of allowances in kind which amounted on the average to 1s. 4d. per week in 1935 and 1s. 5d. per week in 1936.

38. Colonel Ropner

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of wage-earners on colliery books in Yorkshire at the latest date for which statistics are available; and what increase, if any, this number shows compared with the figures for the same date last year?

Captain Crookshank

On 6th March, 1937, the number of wage-earners on colliery books in Yorkshire was 139,000, as compared with 138,300 at the corresponding date in 1936, an increase of 700.