§ 64. Mr. Mathersasked the Postmaster-General whether he will arrange for the names and telephone numbers of subscribers in Kirkliston and South Oueensferry, now appearing in the directory under the Edinburgh group, to be included in the future in the West Lothian group, as these are the only places in the county omitted from the latter group?
§ The Postmaster-General (Major Tryon)I shall be pleased to make the change suggested.
§ 66. Mr. Lyonsasked the Postmaster-General whether, in view of the increase of smaller subscribers to the telephone service, he can arrange, without further 1637 charge to the subscribers, for statements of telephone accounts to show complete particulars of all calls debited, including and identifying those calls of less than six minutes duration for which a six-minutes debit is made?
§ Major TryonThe total charge for, and date of, each trunk call is shown separately in the telephone accounts. This method was adopted after full consideration of the convenience of subscribers and the expense of preparing the accounts, and appears to meet the needs of the vast majority of subscribers. If further details were inserted in the accounts, additional work and expense would be involved which would be quite disproportionate to the advantage that might be secured.
§ Mr. LyonsWhen applications are made for further particulars by subscribers, will my right hon. and gallant Friend give instructions that no charge is to be made for supplying them?