HC Deb 15 March 1937 vol 321 cc1608-9
2. Major-General Sir Alfred Knox

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he can give details of the murder of Lieutenant Beatty, acting-assistant political officer in Waziristan, on 7th February; and whether this officer, who was carrying a large sum of money to pay the tribesmen, was provided with an adequate escort?

Mr. Butler

I am circulating a report which my Noble Friend received by telegraph from the Government of India giving full details of the murder. Lieutenant Beatty was provided with an escort consisting of three armed orderlies in his own car and another two armed orderlies in a lorry immediately behind. A number of the men believed to be guilty of the murder surrendered to the British authorities on 13th March.

Sir A. Knox

Is it not a fact that another British officer was murdered in Waziristan on the preceding day? Who was responsible for allowing this young officer to go in a small saloon closed car, with an inadequate escort, and carrying over £2,000?

Mr. Butler

If my hon. and gallant Friend will await the report which I am circulating he will see the circumstances in which this regrettable affair occurred. I think an escort of this strength, in the circumstances, was usual and perfectly normal.

Sir A. Knox

When you consider the conditions in Waziristan, where they had to go along a narrow road with high hills on either side, and these people were fired on at eight yards' distance, how could he protect himself? There ought to have been an armoured car in front.

Mr. Butler

If the hon. and gallant Member will read the report to be circulated, he will see the exact circumstances of this sad affair.

Following is the report:

Lieutenant Beatty was proceeding on 7th February on the road between Miranshah and Datta Khel for the purpose of paying khassadars. He was travelling in his own car, which also contained the khassadar clerk and three armed orderlies, and was closely followed by the khassadar lorry containing two more armed orderlies. At a point where the road takes a sharp bend, the car was ambushed by a gang of men, believed to be about eight to 10 in number, lying up on both sides of the road. These opened fire from point-blank range from in front of the car as it turned the corner, mortally wounding Lieutenant Beatty, instantaneously killing two of the orderlies in the car and wounding the other orderly and the clerk. The car was then rushed by three men, who removed the cashbox, containing approximately Rs.32,000, and the whole gang made off into the country north of the road. At the sound of the firing the lorry drew up round the corner, and the two orderlies in it ran up a small hill and engaged the gang who were making off northwards, wounding at least one man. They then ran to the assistance of Lieutenant Beatty. Sixty khassadars, who were on pay parade at Boya nearby, having heard the firing, also went in pursuit of the gang, while their Naib Tahsildar took Lieutenant Beatty into Miranshah.