HC Deb 10 March 1937 vol 321 c1142
54. Mr. McGovern

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the total amount of money provided for education in Palestine during the next 12 months, and the amounts spent each year since 1921?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

As the reply contains a large number of figures I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. McGovern

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in many areas in Palestine the people have to bear the cost of education? Can he not make representations to see that the Government bear the full responsibility of education in Palestine?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

The hon. Member will see from the figures for which he has asked that there has been a continuous rise every year since 1921 in the amount of money found by the Palestine Government for education.

Viscountess Astor

In view of the money that is spent on education, is it not necessary to see what they are teaching the people?

Following are the figures:

The annual expenditure of the Palestine Department of Education is as follows:

1921–22 88,158
1922–23 89,232
1923–24 97,278
1924–25 100,099
1925–26 101,392
1926–27 113,890
1927 (nine months, 1st April to 1st December) 100,039
1928 137,115
1929 139,789
1930 143,555
1931–32 146,988
1932–33 159,520
1933–34 179,635
1934–35 201,498
1935–36 221,087

It will not be possible to state what provision is to be made for the year 1937–38 until the Estimates for that year have been approved.