HC Deb 03 March 1937 vol 321 cc363-4
62. Sir Murdoch Macdonald

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is in a position to announce the Government's decision upon the report of the Committee on Electricity Distribution?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Yes, Sir. His Majesty's Government have decided to adopt in principle, subject to certain modifications in detail, the recommendations of the McGowan Committee for a reorganisation of electricity supply. As the Prime Minister has already stated, it will not be possible to add to the programme of the present Session a Bill dealing with this matter, but His Majesty's Government intend at an early date to communicate to the associations of the principal interests affected an outline of their legislative proposals, and we shall be prepared to discuss with the associations any points which they desire to raise. The major modifications in the recommendations of the committee are that the schemes for the consolidation of the separate undertakings will be prepared by the Electricity Commissioners, not by temporary district commissioners appointed for the purpose; and that in every case, irrespective of the size of the undertakings concerned, schemes made by the commissioners and not agreed by the undertakers will become operative only when confirmed by the Minister of Transport and approved by Parliament.

Mr. White

Will the outline of the legislative proposals be submited to the House?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

They will form the basis of discussion with the associations concerned.

Mr. Ede

Will these negotiations be confined to the associations or will the major undertakings of the country be consulted?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I understand that all the undertakers are in one association or another, and it will simplify matters if we can deal directly with the principal bodies.

Mr. Leach

In making modifications in the McGowan recommendations, will the right hon. Gentleman seriously consider the need of favouring the claims of the largest undertakings, the municipalities?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

The modifications that I have announced are those that I have been given to understand will be generally acceptable,

Mr. Ede

Are we to understand that the Minister's statement with regard to the non-appointment of the second commissioner will also apply to the area of London and the home counties?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

It will apply universally.