§ 3. Mr. Rileyasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can make a statement on the recent Balkan Conference at Athens, and as to the views taken by that conference with regard to the treaty of 24th January between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria?
§ Mr. EdenWith the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a translation of the communiquç which was issued in Athens at the conclusion of the recent session of the Council of the Balkan Entente on 18th February. With regard to the second part of the question, the communiqué states that the Council noted with satisfaction the conclusion of the pact of friendship between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia signed at Belgrade on 24th January; this pact, the communiqué states, corresponds to the aim of the Entente to consolidate peace in the Balkans; and it is consequently considered to be a valuable contribution to inter-Balkan collaboration.
Following is the translation of the communiquç:The deliberations of the Permanent Council, which have taken place in an atmosphere of the utmost cordiality, have made it possible to affirm once more the perfect unity of views of those who direct the foreign policy of the four countries and the solidarity uniting the Balkan allies.337The Council, having proceeded to a thorough examination of the general European situation and the questions of particular concern to the States of the Balkan Entente, has agreed to reaffirm its desire to develop the whole activity of the Balkan Entente with a view to contributing to the maintenance of peace. Every effort in this direction will have the full support of the Balkan Entente. Faithful in its attachment to the League of Nations, the Balkan Entente is resolved to continue to collaborate actively in the work of Geneva in order that in difficult circumstances the League of Nations may be able to discharge its high mission within the framework of international action in favour of peace. The Council of the Balkan Entente particularly appreciates the recent agreement between Great Britain and Italy, which constitutes an important factor for the maintenance of peace and for stability in the Mediterranean.The Permanent Council has noted with satisfaction the conclusion of the Pact of Friendship between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia signed at Belgrade on 24th January, 1937. It has affirmed that this Pact corresponds to the aim of the Balkan Entente, to maintain and consolidate peace in the Balkans. In consequence it considers that the Pact signed by Bulgaria and Yugoslavia is a valuable contribution to the establishment of a friendly collaboration between all Balkan peoples.The Permanent Council bas noted the decision of the Economic Council, reached at Bled on 15th July, 1936, and has adopted the appropriate measures for putting it into execution.Appreciating at its true value the contribution which the Press is called upon to make to the work of the Balkan Entente, the Permanent Council has affirmed with pleasure the cordiality which has marked the meetings of the Press Conference of the countries of the Balkan Entente.The next meeting of the Permanent Council of the Balkan Entente will take place in September at Geneva on the occasion of the Ordinary Assembly of the League of Nations.