HC Deb 02 March 1937 vol 321 c175
46. Sir Frank Sanderson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that unmarried women wage-earners with dependants receive no Income Tax allowance for a housekeeper, whereas a widower or widow has an allowance on £50 in respect of a housekeeper, and also receive no allowance for a female relative employed for the care of an infirm parent, the allowance only being given in respect of a female relative in charge of a brother or sister of the taxpayer; and, as in the first case the unmarried woman taxpayer is in the same position as a widow or widower and in the second case the unmarried woman taxpayer has more frequently to provide a relative for the care of an infirm parent than for a brother or sister, will he consider extending the appropriate allowances to the unmarried woman taxpayer?

Mr. Chamberlain

I am afraid I can only refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave to him on 5th November last in reply to a similar question.