HC Deb 22 June 1937 vol 325 cc1004-5
29. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he has yet received a report on the recent happenings at Portsmouth where a considerable number of soldiers were threatened with stoppage of leave and loss of other privileges for failure to pass educational tests?

Sir V. Warrender

Yes, Sir, I have caused inquiry to be made into this matter. It is not the case, as suggested by the hon. Member in his question of 8th June, that any deprivation of leave has actually occurred or that withdrawal of permanent passes or restriction of the privilege of wearing plain clothes was contemplated. No complaints have been made by the men concerned, nor has any discontent been apparent at the efforts of the commanding officer to improve the educational standard of his unit.

Mr. Gallacher

Is it not the case that a threat of this kind was made?

Sir V. Warrender

I do not think there was a threat but the commanding officer, in the interests of the men themselves, was anxious that as many as possible should pass this educational test. If they passed it they got increased efficiency pay.

Mr. Gallacher

But is it not the case that the commanding officer gave the men to understand that these privileges would be taken away from those who did not pass the test?

Mr. Macquisten

Would the hon. Gentleman note that the Communist party is opposed to education?