HC Deb 22 June 1937 vol 325 c1025
73. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Minister of Labour how many of the 1,021 foreigners admitted to the United Kingdom under permit between 1st January, 1924, and 31st May, 1937, for employment in beet-sugar factories are desirous of returning to their native countries; and whether he will facilitate such return, in view of the large number of sugar boilers unemployed in Greenock and elsewhere in the United Kingdom?

Mr. E. Brown

The hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension since, as stated in the reply circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT of 10th June, 1937, of the persons covered by the permits to which he refers, all but 23 have left the country. These 23 persons occupy administrative or supervisory posts in the industry.

Mr. Gibson

With regard to the 23, can the right hon. Gentleman say whether these were admitted on temporary permits or on permits unlimited in time, and might facilities be given them, if they so desire, to return to their own countries?

Mr. Brown

That depends upon the circumstances of the case, and whether it is or is not to the advantage of British industry and labour to have those men in those particular posts.