§ 43. Mr. Sorensenasked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the hardship imposed on users of trolley-omnibuses in the Leyton area through the alteration and increase in fares and the withdrawal of transfer tickets since the tramcars ceased to run; and whether he will take steps that will lead the London Passenger Transport Board to restore the previous fares and facilities?
§ Mr. BurginJurisdiction over the fares charged by the Board resides in the Railway Rates Tribunal. I understand that, in pursuance of their policy of standardising fares, the Board have introduced certain slight modifications of the fares charged on their trolley-buses in the Leyton area, but I am not aware that hardship has been occasioned thereby, especially as, in the majority of cases, the alterations have resulted in reduced fares.
§ Mr. SorensenIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that literally thousands of travellers on the trolley buses now find that their travelling expenditure has been exactly doubled through the alteration? In view of that fact, cannot he make personal representation to the Transport Board with regard to the very great hardship which this extra expenditure imposes on those who are earning round about £2 5s. or £2 10s. a week?
§ Mr. BurginI shall be glad to consider any facts if the information in my possession does not already deal with them.
§ Mr. McEnteeIs the right hon. Gentle-roan aware that in Walthamstow and Leyton many of the fares have been more than doubled, and does he propose to allow the Transport Board to make Waltham-stow and Leyton pay for the better conditions that have been given elsewhere?
§ Mr. BurginIn the Leyton area two ordinary fares have been increased, but the fares are still less than 1d. per mile.