HC Deb 16 June 1937 vol 325 c470

8.43 p.m.

Sir S. Hoare

I beg to move, in page 38, line 15, to leave out "If mechanical power is used in a factory."

I understand that in the discussions in the Standing Committee it was urged that there should be included within the scope of the Bill both kinds of factories, namely, factories where mechanical power is used and workshops where it is not used. The Amendment is moved in response to what, I think, was the general view of the Standing Committee. As the House will see, it extends the scope of the Clause.

Amendment agreed to.

Sir S. Hoare

I beg to move, in page 38, line 32, after "shall," to insert: in the case of a factory where more than fifty persons are employed, be trained in first-aid treatment, and the person in charge shall. Here, again, this is the result of the discussions in the Standing Committee, where it was pointed out that in the larger factories, namely, those employing 50 persons or upwards, the man or woman in charge of the first-aid equipment ought to be a competent person. I think that this Amendment meets with the general view of the Standing Committee, and I, therefore, ask the House to accept it.

Amendment agreed to.