HC Deb 03 June 1937 vol 324 cc1159-60
32. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Health whether he will give consideration to the need for a national housing scheme, to be carried out in co-operation with the local authorities, and to include standard houses to be let at rents within the means of the lower-paid wage earners?

The Minister of Health (Sir Kingsley Wood)

Local authorities will be fully occupied during the next year or two in building houses to replace unfit dwellings and to provide the additional accommodation necessary for the abatement of overcrowding, and I do not think there would be any advantage in adopting the suggestion made by the hon. Member.

Mr. Smith

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that these steps which the local authorities are taking will not deal with the situation adequately? Will he take the initiative in this matter in the same way that he did some time ago in another Department?

Mr. Magnay

Will the right hon. Gentleman look into the question of the means test that is exacted by many corporations before they allow the lower-paid workmen to get houses at all?

33. Mr. Smith

asked the Minister of Health whether he has considered the copy sent to him of a resolution passed by a conference of local authorities in Lancashire and Cheshire asking the Government to provide adequate Exchequer assistance to enable local authorities to provide houses to let at rents within the means of lower-paid wage earners; and what action he proposes to take for the abatement of overcrowding, in accordance with the terms of the said resolution?

Sir K. Wood

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for West houghton (Mr. Rhys Davies) on 27th May.

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