HC Deb 29 July 1937 vol 326 cc3488-9

Order read for Consideration of Lords Amendments.

11.56 p.m.

The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Elliot)

I beg to move, "That the Lords Amendments be now considered."

It will be remembered that when we were discussing certain Amendments which had been made in another place, I undertook to go into them carefully with the local authorities' association and with any local authority which had any difficulty. I am glad to say that the local authorities confirm the view which I previously put to the House, that these Amendments are purely drafting and the authorities also state that they have no objection to any of them. The local authority of Glasgow in particular has said that the Amendments actually clarify the Bill.

11.57 p.m.

Mr. Mathers

I wish briefly to confirm the statement of the Secretary of State for Scotland. It may be that some hon. Members will desire to put questions on certain of the Amendments, in order to clarify the position with regard to one or two matters of detail, but in general, I am able to say the Amendments have been carefully examined and they will not be opposed from this side of the House. The local authorities Association concerned has been consulted in accordance with the undertaking given on the previous occasion.

Lords Amendments considered accordingly.

  1. CLAUSE 5.—(Power to admit employees of statutory undertakers, and registration officers.) 390 words
  2. cc3490-1
  3. CLAUSE 12.—(Reckoning of contributing and non-contributing service, and service of persons indirectly employed.) 171 words
  4. c3491
  5. CLAUSE 18.—(Actuary's certificates and periodical valuation of superannuation fund.) 65 words