HC Deb 28 July 1937 vol 326 cc3088-9
62. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the tentative boundary recommended by the Royal Commission on Palestine involves the separation from the Jewish state and adjoining settlements of the Dagania settlement, and that the latter was the first co-operative settlement established in Palestine 27 years ago; and, as this settlement co-operates with settlements on the opposite bank of the Jordan for the purpose of education, special institutions, and marketing of produce, and such division would destroy the economic foundation of this successful settlement, will be give special consideration to these circumstances before reaching any final decision.

Sir A. Lambert Ward

There will be ample opportunity for consideration of such points as this before a final decision is taken with regard to boundaries.

Mr. Williams

As this particular settlement was the first settlement established and was excluded from the Transjordan territory when the first division took place, will the hon. and gallant Member ask his right hon. Friend to pay particular attention to my question?

Sir A. Lambert Ward

I think my right hon. Friend is at the present time considering these questions.

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