HC Deb 28 July 1937 vol 326 c3075
29. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the total numbers of houses purchased and erected, respectively, each year in Greenock by the Admiralty up to and including 1936; how many of these houses are now in occupation; and whether he has any plans for the erection in Greenock of houses for torpedo factory workers there who are unable to get housing accommodation in Greenock for themselves and their families?

Mr. Cooper

The total number of Admiralty houses and flats at Greenock is 107. Of this total, 98 are houses erected by the Scottish Local Government Board in 1917–18 on behalf and at the expense of the Admiralty, seven are flats transferred from the Prison Commission in 1918, and two are houses originally erected for the coastguard and allocated for use by factory employés in 1924. All the houses and flats are occupied. As to the concluding part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to him on 17th February last by my right hon. Friend the late First Lord.