HC Deb 27 July 1937 vol 326 cc2844-7
39. Mr. Stephen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of houses in the Camlachie division which are either condemned as being slums or unfit for human habitation; the number of houses in which families are overcrowded; and the number of such houses which were closed during last year and the previous year?

Mr. Elliot

I am informed that the number of houses in the Camlachie Parliamentary Division which are being dealt with under the Housing Acts as unfit for human habitation or are at present on the Corporation's list awaiting such action, is 622 and that the numbers of unfit houses closed or demolished during 1935, 1936 and the first half of 1937 were 167, 153 and 28 respectively. The latest available information with regard to the number of overcrowded houses in the Division was obtained as a result of the overcrowding survey at the end of 1935, when the number was 5,660.

Mr. Stephen

In view of the reduction of the number of houses that are being closed, will the right hon. Gentleman make representations to the effect that there should be an increase rather than a decrease in the number closed?

Mr. Elliot

It is a little difficult to make representations to local authorities with regard to the manner in which they carry out their slum clearance.

Mr. Kirkwood

In view of the fact that over 600 houses in the hon. Member's constituency are unfit for human habitation, will the Secretary of State intimate to the 600 families who are living in those houses that they do not require to pay any rent for the houses in which they are living? Will the right hon. Gentleman inform them that that is the law of the land?

Mr. Elliot

I do not think that that arises out of the question on the Paper, but the hon. Member will be aware that these matters are very well known.

Mr. Stephen

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is only in the case of those houses that are ordered to be closed that the tenants do not require to pay rent?

Mr. Elliot

It is quite impossible to go into that matter now.

40. Mr. Stephen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the average cost and size of the houses built by Kilsyth and Johnstone which are let at a rent of 5s. a week or under; and the estimated average cost and rent of houses of similar size in any of the housing schemes of the Glasgow and Edinburgh Corporations respectively?

Mr. Elliot

The only houses built by Kilsyth Town Council which are let at 5s. a week or under are of two apartments, and the average building cost is estimated at from £340 to £350. Johnstone Town Council have built some houses of two, three and four apartments, and three of five apartments, which are let at 5s. per week and under, and the average building cost is estimated at £299. The information which the hon. Member desires regarding Glasgow and Edinburgh will take some time to obtain. I am, however, in touch with the authorities of these cities and shall communicate to the hon. Member later such information as is available.

41. Mr. Stephen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of houses built in the Camlachie division each year for the last six years; the number it is proposed to build this year; the rents at which such houses are let; and the rents proposed to be charged for the houses under construction or to be built this year?

Mr. Elliot

The number of houses built by the Corporation of Glasgow in the Camlachie Division in each of the six years 1931 to 1936 was:

1931 294
1932 108
1933 None.
1934 None.
1935 54
1936 None.

I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement showing the rents charged for these houses.

I am informed that the Corporation have 30 houses in course of erection in the Division, and proposals under consideration for the building of approxi- mately 770. The rents to be charged for houses under construction have not yet been fixed.

Houses built by Corporation of Glasgow in Camlachie Parliamentary Division during 1931–1936.
Year. 1931. 1932. 2933. 1934. 1935. 1936.
Number of Houses built by Corporation … 294 108 54