HC Deb 26 July 1937 vol 326 c2656
40. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Postmaster-General what was the total number of postal workers as at 31st March, 1937, or other convenient date; how many of these were male, how many were female, and how many of each group were in receipt of wages of less than 50s. per week; and, of those earning less than 50s. per week, how many male and female, respectively, were above 21 and 30 years of age, respectively?

Major Tryon

The total number of Post Office employés, full-time and part-time, on 31st March, 1937, was 261,832, and of this number 202,094 were males and 59,738 females. The number of full-time male employés who were in receipt of less than 50s. a week was 32,200, and of these 17,600 and 8,400 were above 21 and 30 years of age respectively. The number of full-time female employés who were in receipt of less than 50s. a week was 18,300, and of these 7,900 and 1,200 were above 21 and 30 years of age respectively. With the exception of 2,300 men and women cleaners and 1,300 temporary staff, mainly temporary postmen and telephonists, all the staff over 30 years of age in receipt of less than 50s. a week will receive increments which will bring them up to or above that figure in three years or less.