HC Deb 22 July 1937 vol 326 cc2386-7
27. Mr. Neil Maclean

asked the Minister of Labour the numbers of unemployed registered at each of the Employment Exchanges in Glasgow at the end of June, 1935. 1936, and 1937, respectively, differentiating between the wholly unemployed and the temporarily unemployed?

Mr. E. Brown

As the reply includes a table of figures I will, if I may, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Colonel Sir Charles MacAndrew

Can the right hon. Gentleman give the totals?

Mr. Brown

Yes, the totals are as follow: June, 1935, 97,892; June, 1936, 86,073; June, 1937, 73,515.

Following is the reply:

he has any proposals to make for the re-employment of such men in the near future?

Mr. E. Brown

I regret that statistics giving the information asked for in the first and second parts of the question are not available. With regard to the last part, I have no doubt that the increased activity in the coal mining industry has resulted in the re-employment of miners over the age of 45 as well as of younger men. I am anxious that the older unemployed men should have a chance of re-employment, and my Department will be glad, in co-operation with the employers and workpeople in the industry, to assist in any way it can towards their re-absorption.

Mr. T. Smith

Is the Minister aware that there has not been any big increase in older men in the coal mining industry?

Mr. Brown

My information is that in certain areas some older men have been employed.

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