HC Deb 22 July 1937 vol 326 cc2383-5
19. Mr. Dingle Foot

asked the Minister of Labour when the report of the Unemployment Assistance Board for 1936 is to be published; and whether the House of Commons will be given an opportunity of discussing this report before the end of the present Session?

Mr. E. Brown

I am informed that I may expect to receive this report before the end of this week, and I hope that it may be possible for copies to be made available in the Vote Office on Monday next. The second part of the question is a matter which does not rest with me.

Mr. Foot

Was it not understood at the time that the Unemployment Bill of 1934 was passing through this House that we

Following is the table:

The numbers of young people between the ages of 14–18 transferred from the Special Areas during 1936 and the six months ended June, 1937, are set out in the following table:

Year Boys Girls. Total.
1936 6,047 4,405 10,452
1937 (6 months) 2,616 2,428 5,044
8,663 6,833 15,496

23. Mr. Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour the number of young people up to the age of 21 years transferred from South Wales and Monmouthshire during 1936 and to the most recent date for the current year?

Mr. E. Brown

I will, if I may, circulate a table giving the available figures.

Following is the table:

Figures are not available showing separately transfers of young people up to the age of 21 years but the following table shows the number of boys and girls aged 14 to 18 and the number of men and women over 18 transferred by the Department from South Wales and Monmouthshire during 1936, and the five months ending May, 1937:

should have an opportunity each year of debating the annual report of the Unemployment Assistance Board? Was not that one of the few methods of Parliamentary control over the Board that was contemplated by the Act?

Mr. Brown

The preparation of the report is not under my control.

Mr. Paling

Is it not possible to get these reports issued earlier, because the House gets up in July and it becomes impossible to discuss even the last year's work?

Mr. Brown

I will convey what has been said to the Unemployment Assistance Board.

Sir Percy Harris

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the report is very much later this year than last year, and that it is not published until the House is up?

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