HC Deb 13 July 1937 vol 326 cc1048-9
41. Mr. Adamson

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he will seek powers to enforce payment of compensation for damages upon housing and other properties when a colliery company goes into liquidation, and in cases of change of ownership arising therefrom?

Captain Crookshank

I am not quite clear as to the hon. Member's meaning. The existence of a right to compensation for subsidence damage to surface property depends upon the terms on which the minerals concerned are being worked. If the hon. Member is suggesting that when a colliery goes into liquidation a person claiming such compensation should be given some additional preferential right over ordinary creditors, I am afraid that the proposal is not likely to commend itself to Parliament.

Mr. Adamson

Is the Minister aware that, apart from private individuals owning property, the local urban and rural district councils are complaining considerably of the position arising out of the liquidation of these companies?

Captain Crookshank

Yes, Sir, whether they are private individuals or public corporations, what I have said in my reply still applies.

Mr. Tinker

Could not any portion of the royalty subsidy be set aside for this purpose?