HC Deb 08 July 1937 vol 326 c536
3. Mr. Day

asked the Minister of Labour particulars of the inquiries he proposes to institute into the conditions of employment of persons engaged either as operators or attendants at cinema theatres; and whether he will consider appointing a Departmental Committee to make a comprehensive investigation into such conditions?

Mr. Butler

The Department proposes in the first instance to ask proprietors of cinematograph theatres to furnish particulars to my Department, on forms to be provided for the purpose, of the wages and working hours of the workpeople in their employment in a specified week. When these inquiries have been completed, my right hon. Friend will consider whether further investigation is required.

Mr. Day

In view of the fact that the Minister has had instances of cases where people have to work nearly 80 hours per week for 25s. or 275. 6d. a week, does he not think it is nearly time that this inquiry was held?

Mr. Butler

That is precisely why my right hon. Friend is holding the inquiry.

Mr. Day

Did not the Minister promise this House to hold an immediate inquiry himself?