§ Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.
§ The House went; and, having re-turned,—
§ Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to:
- 1. Exchange Equalisation Account Act, 1937.
- 2. Exportation of Horses Act, 1937.
- 3. Public Records (Scotland) Act, 1937.
- 4. Road Traffic Act, 1937.
- 5. Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act, 1937.
- 6. Cleethorpes Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act, 1937.
- 7. Walsall Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act, 1937.
- 8. Provisional Orders (Marriages) Confirmation Act, 1937.
- 9. Dunstable Gas and Water Act, 1937. Hastings Extension Act, 1937.
- 11. Kent Electric Power Act, 1937.
- 12. Pontypool Gas and Water Act, 1937.
- 13. Rochdale Corporation Act, 1937.
- 14. Wessex Electricity Act, 1937.
- 15. Huddersfield Corporation Act, 1937,