§ 75. Mr. Liddallasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will consider the introduction of a short Measure temporarily amending the Licensing Act so as to extend the hours for the sale of excisable beverages, free of cost to licence-holders, to cover the period 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, except the Sunday, during Coronation week; and whether he is aware that such a Measure would save expense and avoid variations of the terms of the permission to be granted in various localities?
§ The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sir John Simon)No, Sir. It is not possible to contemplate the introduction of any Measure of this character.
§ 81. Sir R. Clarryasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, the total seating accommodation now under construction and proposed for the purpose of viewing the Coronation processions; what seating capacity will be 762 available for the general public and at what prices and where seats can be obtained; and what accommodation is being reserved in public parks or other places within his jurisdiction for the public to view the Coronation processions without charge?
§ The Lord President of the Council (Mr. Ramsay MacDonald)I have been asked to reply. The number of seats available for distribution is approximately 85,000. This, as has previously been stated, is being allocated in such a manner as to provide for as many aspects of the national life as possible. Seats will not be sold through ticket agencies, but they will in due course be offered through various representative organisations to their members. It is proposed to reserve the space in front of the stands in Constitution Hill and the Oueen Victoria Memorial Gardens for 30,000 members of selected organisations, including children. Otherwise, apart from the stands themselves, Hyde Park and the Mall will be entirely open to the public. No charge will be made for standing accommodation, but the price to be charged has not yet been definitely decided.
§ Sir R. ClarryAre any seats being allocated or made available for Members of Parliament and their friends in the seating accommodation?
§ Mr. MacDonaldCertainly.