§ Colonel Gretton reported from the Committee of Selection; That they had appointed the following Members to serve on Standing Committee C: Mr. Adamson, Colonel Baldwin-Webb, Mr. Booth-by, Mr. Charles Brown, Brigadier-General Clifton Brown, Mr. Cartland, Mr. Cluse, Mr. Smedley Crooke, Mr. Denman, Sir Gifford Fox, Mr. Haslam, 768 Captain Heilgers, Mr. Hills, Miss Horsbrugh, Sir Joseph Lamb, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Liddall, Sir Joseph McConnell, Mr. McGhee. Mr. Messer, Mr. Morgan, Sir Joseph Nall, Mr. Peake, Mr. Pickthorn, Mr. Quibell, Captain Ramsay, Sir David Reid, Mr. Wilfrid Roberts, Sir Ronald Ross, Mr. Richard Russell, Lord William Scott, Mr. Sexton, Sir Ernest Shepperson, Sir Robert Smith, Mr. Henderson Stewart, Mr. Tree, Mr. Turton, Mr. E. J. Williams, Mr. H. G. Williams, and Lord Willoughby de Eresby.