HC Deb 26 January 1937 vol 319 c751
45. Mr. De Chair

asked the Prime Minister whether he will give time for discussion on the Notice of Motion relating to agricultural expansion, standing in the name of the hon. Member for South-West Norfolk, which has received the signed support of over 100 hon. Members?

[That this House believes that the supply of home-grown food is an all-important aspect of defence; is convinced that no plan for the expansion of the agricultural output coming into operation only on the outbreak of war could yield the desired results; and therefore urges His Majesty's Government to set up a food production council, co-operating with the Ministry of Agriculture, or to take such other steps as it thinks advisable to aim at increasing to full capacity of production the output of home-grown foodstuffs within the next three years, through adequate Government stimulus, as an integral part of the defence programme.]

The Prime Minister (Mr. Baldwin)

I fully appreciate the importance of home food production in connection with National Defence, and I can assure my hon. Friend that every aspect of this matter is receiving the fullest attention. I regret that I cannot undertake to provide special facilities for the purpose indicated, but, as my hon. Friend is aware, there is still an opportunity for this subject to be ballotted for as a Private Member's Motion. The matter can also be raised in the normal course of business.

Mr. De Chair

Can the right hon. Gentleman assure the House that the Government are taking steps to expand the home production of home agriculture before war breaks out?

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