HC Deb 22 February 1937 vol 320 cc1648-9
62. Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Home Secretary if he will give the terms of reference and names of the Departmental Committee on night baking; and when the committee will begin to take evidence?

Mr. Lloyd

Yes, Sir; the terms of reference of the Committee are: To inquire into the effects likely to ensue, to those engaged in the bread baking and flour confectionery industry, and to the public, in the event of the abolition by legislation of the practice of night baking now prevalent in the industry; and to consider and report whether or not such legislation would be desirable.

  • The members are:
  • The Right Hon. Lord Alness, K.C. (Chairman).
  • Mr. John Adamson, Chartered Accountant, of Messrs. McClelland, Ker & Co.
  • Mr. A. W. Garrett, Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories.
  • The Hon. Member for the Brightside Division of Sheffield (Mr. Marshall).
  • My hon. and gallant Friend the Member for East Lewisham (Sir A. Pownall).
The Committee held a preliminary meeting last week, and is taking evidence from the Factory Department to-day. I understand that arrangements are in train for the associations of employers and workers chiefly concerned to give evidence as soon as practicable. Any other bodies of persons desirous of giving evidence should communicate with the Secretary at the Home Office as soon as possible.

Mr. Banfield

Would the hon. Gentleman be prepared to take evidence from the Irish Free State as to the effect of the abolition of night baking, recently passed by the Irish Free State Parliament, on the public, the employers, and the workers concerned?

Mr. Lloyd

That is a matter for the Committee itself.