HC Deb 16 February 1937 vol 320 c1000
72. Mr. Morgan

asked the Secretary for Mines whether, in connection with the proposed legislation for the unification of coal royalties, steps are being taken to ascertain the approximate royalty value of seams of coal which have not at present been worked; and whether he can give an undertaking that arrangements will be made to provide adequate compensation for those who are not at present receiving any royalty income in respect of seams at present not being worked but who anticipate that income will accrue to them through the working of these seams in the future?

Captain Crookshank

I am afraid that I cannot anticipate the Bill, but I can assure my hon. Friend that these and all other relevant questions are having consideration.

Mr. Paling

Are we to take it that compensation is to be paid to people who own seams when it is not known whether they can be worked?

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