HC Deb 10 February 1937 vol 320 cc404-5
61. Mr. Ede

asked the Minister of Transport what research is being made by his Department into the problem of lighting trunk roads which consist of dual carriageways, cycle tracks, service roads, and footpaths, with park ways and verges separating each traffic route; and when a report on the subject may be expected?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

A Departmental Committee has been asked to consider the whole question of street lighting and expects to report towards the end of the year.

62. Mr. Ede

asked the Minister of Transport whether he proposes to call a conference of the lighting authorities and the electricity and gas undertakings along the routes of the various trunk roads to discuss the problem of the adequate and appropriate lighting of such roads; and, if not, what steps is he taking to secure such lighting when he becomes the highway authority?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I answered this question last week.

Mr. Ede

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he intends to have conferences with these various local authorities before he becomes a highway authority?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

The hon. Gentleman will be aware that at the moment I have no authority, and, therefore, I have no power to take action. But I am making a survey with such expedition as I can, and it will depend upon the results of that survey what further steps I shall be called upon to take.

Captain Strickland

Does not my right hon. Friend think that it is about time he asked Parliament to confer these powers upon him?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I did, and Parliament gave them to me after next April.

Statement showing the total value of United Kingdom trade in merchandise during the year 1936 with (a) British Colonies and Protectorates and (b) Countries mandated to the United Kingdom.
Imports. Exports.
Produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom. Imported Merchandise. Total.
£'000. £'000. £'000. £'000.
British Colonies and Protectorates.* 48,359 38,973 1,312 40,285
Countries mandated to the United Kingdom. 3,461 2,435 59 2,494
* Including Togoland and Cameroons (under British mandate) and New Hebrides (British and French condominium), for which separate particulars are not available.
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