HC Deb 10 February 1937 vol 320 c392
37. Mr. Simmonds

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what action he has taken to develop the construction of medium-sized British air liners?

Sir P. Sassoon

The production of suitable types of civil aircraft for the commercial market is a matter primarily for the aircraft industry. The Air Ministry have, however, recently been able to assist in the development of a particular type (the de Havilland 91) by the placing of an order for the first two aircraft to be produced. My Noble Friend has at present under consideration whether the Air Ministry may be able to give further assistance in the development of such aircraft as those to which the hon. Member refers.

Mr. Simmonds

Will the right hon. Baronet hear in mind that considerable numbers of this type of air liner are being required in the Dominions, particularly Australia, and that the absence of any British types is causing foreign, and particularly American, aircraft to be purchased and, in view of this, will he reconsider the matter and see whether, in view of the fact that the approved firms are nearly all fully engaged with service aircraft, he could place orders with unapproved firms?

Sir P. Sassoon

It is considered that the type now under construction that I have mentioned will prove very suitable for the services that the hon. Member has in mind.