HC Deb 08 February 1937 vol 320 cc32-3
58. Mr. Lambert

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that there were imported from China, in 1936, 1,350,000 great hundreds of eggs in shell and 860,000 cwts. of liquid egg; and whether he is satisfied that these eggs and egg substances are sold in conformity with the regulations compelling the notification of the country of origin?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I am aware that the figures for eggs in shell and liquid eggs imported from China in 1936 were as stated in the question. I have no information which would suggest that the marking requirements are not generally being complied with on the sale of these products.

Mr. Lambert

Are there any shops that expose for sale these delectable dainties from China?

Mr. Morrison

I am not aware that they are delectable dainties.

Sir Patrick Hannon

May I ask my right hon. Friend whether constant supervision is exercised by his Department over the import of these eggs, in order to see that they are fit for human food?

Mr. Morrison

Yes, Sir; constant supervision is exercised in that matter.