HC Deb 04 February 1937 vol 319 cc1745-6
15. Mr. Kelly

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that under the agreement between the Government and the staff side of the Civil Service National Whitley Council a tribunal has been instituted to arbitrate on appropriate matters in dispute between the administration and the staffs of Government Departments; that the staff organisation concerned, having failed to obtain a reply from the Admiralty between the period July to November to its request that there should be arbitration on the question of the pay of locally-entered staffs at Malta by the industrial court, has now asked the Admiralty to agree to arbitration by the Civil Service arbitration tribunal, but is still unable to secure any reply from that Department; and whether he is prepared to agree that the industrial relations machinery of his Department shall be utilised forthwith to decide the matters in issue between the Board of Admiralty and the locally-entered staffs at Malta?

Mr. E. Brown

As stated yesterday by my right hon. Friend the First Lord of the Admiralty a communication will be sent by him to the association in the course of the next few days.