HC Deb 04 February 1937 vol 319 c1750
25. Mr. Day

asked the Home Secretary the number of hours considered as duty period in which police constables are employed in the Metropolitan police area on traffic duty; and the number of cases during the previous three years in which evidence has been submitted to him of illness or overstrain resulting from the length of this duty period?

Sir J. Simon

The maximum daily period during which constables are employed on traffic duty is eight hours with a break of half-an-hour for refreshment. No cases have been recorded in which illness or overstrain has been attributed to the length of this duty period.

Mr. Day

Does the eight-hour rule apply also to men who are on point duty at congested places?

Sir J. Simon

I have answered the question on the Paper and I am afraid I could not answer the supplementary question without notice.

Mr. Day

Is the half-hour included or additional?