HC Deb 04 February 1937 vol 319 cc1744-5
7. Sir Robert Young

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can give any information on the results of the work of the Permanent Emigration Committee of the International Labour Office; whether His Majesty's Government have been consulted as to the interest it would attach to a meeting of a conference of experts on the subject of immigration both as it affects European and Latin American countries, with a view to a settlement; and, if so, what reply was given?

Mr. E. Brown

The Permanent Migration Committee of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office met on 16th and 17th November, 1936, and adopted a report which included a recommendation that the members of the organisation should be consulted as to the interest they would attach to a conference of the kind referred to in the question. This report is to be considered by the Governing Body at its meeting which opens in Geneva to-day.

Sir R. Young

Will the right hon. Gentleman, when consultations take place, remember that it is only by international arrangements that the man-hunger of the Dominions can be satisfied?

Mr. Brown

Yes, but the hon. Member will understand that that is premature at the moment. We do not know whether the Governing Body will decide to consult the States Members.