HC Deb 03 February 1937 vol 319 cc1594-6
44. Mr. Turton

asked the Minister of Transport how many orders made by local authorities for speed limits under Section 29 (4) of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, have not been confirmed by him; and in how many of the cases where orders have not been confirmed has there been no public inquiry?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Twenty and ten.

55. Mr. Montague

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the conclusion of the inter-departmental committee on road safety for children that accidents to children and other pedestrians are generally less serious in areas where speeds are limited, and that on open roads and the outskirts of towns where speed is higher there is a greater proportion of fatal accidents, he will consider the enforcing of a proper speed-limit in every case where circumstances render it desirable on roads coming under his jurisdiction irrespective of whether a stretch is technically described as urban or otherwise?

Mr. Hore-Belisha


50. Mr. Ede

asked the Minister of Transport the total mileage of the trunk roads as defined by the Act of this Session on which there are no footpaths and only one footpath, respectively; and what steps he is taking to be able to remedy this state of affairs as soon as possible after he becomes the highway authority for these roads on 1st April, 1937?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

There is no reliable information, and the first step to be taken will be to make a survey of existing conditions and requirements.

Mr. Ede

Are we to understand that a survey is now being made, or is the right hon. Gentleman waiting until after 1st April next?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

There are certain difficulties in this matter. I have no authority to make a survey of these roads, but nevertheless I am trying to arrange with the authorities concerned that the survey may proceed.

51. Mr. Ede

asked the Minister of Transport how many lighting authorities there are on the trunk roads from London to Dover, Portsmouth, Penzance, Holyhead and Edinburgh, respectively; whether he proposes to call a conference of the authorities on each of these roads to discuss with him and the gas and electricity supply undertakers the problems connected with the adequate and uniform lighting of these roads; and what action he is taking in the meantime to have these roads surveyed and their lighting problems considered?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

A survey of the needs of the trunk roads in this and other matters is already being put in hand.

52. Mr. Ede

asked the Minister of Transport how many county councils in England and Wales have exercised their power of contributing towards the lighting of roads in their areas; and in respect of how many miles of roads such contributions have been promised or made?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

The Departmental Committee on Street Lighting are collecting this information.

53. Mr. Guy

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has any information in his Department as to the comparative costs of installation and maintenance of the sodium and mercury vapour electric lamps for street lighting?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I should not be justified in making a pronouncement on this question at the moment.